Dining Hall
Colerne Primary School
Colerne Primary School Dining Hall – which was designed through a series of collaborative workshops held with the primary school - is an exercise in demonstrating that beautiful, sustainable and light filled school buidings are achievable for circa £1000 m2. The building is an exercise in simplicity and efficiency. The planning of the building at a site level creates a new courtyard outside the hall that will be landscaped in the future to provide external eating and growing spaces. The building itself is generated around one simple section, created from a series of prototypical and lightweight green Douglas Fir flitch beams that add definition to the inside of the building and are a clear diagram of the structural forces. The building is clad externally in slow grown Siberian Larch which will last 75 years, with no maintenance.
“It is extraordinary to see the creative energies that can be unleashed”
Architects Journal - 31 March 2011